Collecting something gives a person a sense of pride in their collection. It takes a great deal of patience, determination, and knowledge to be successful at collecting; doll collecting is certainly no exception. There is always a pivotal moment in a doll collector’s life when they decide to commit to the hobby. If you have recently taken up the hobby yourself and are unsure how to proceed with it, here are four helpful tips to get you started.
Focus your collection.
Putting a focus on your collection is going to help you on your quest. Decide what dolls appeal to you most. If you decide to broaden your horizons and just collect dolls in general, you’re going to end up with a collection that doesn’t make much sense. Other setbacks include space being taken up (quickly), and never truly finding rare or unusual dolls that are out there waiting for you. Pick a type of doll and stick to it, when you feel as though you have sufficiently collected it, start on a new quest!
Collect with a pal!
Collecting alone is, well, lonely. Meet friends online or see which of your friends are interested in collecting with you (if you haven’t already discovered some). Not only is it more fun and exciting, but it’s a great way to socialize and also very informative. You will learn valuable information from a friend who has been in the game for a while, and will be able to share fun information that you find out along the way, too!
Have a discerning eye.
Know when to buy and when to leave something behind. Especially if you are just beginning your journey, you’ll want to purchase everything. This will quickly leave you out of cash and shelving. They do say that “good things come to those who wait,” and just because something looks appealing right now, doesn’t mean it’s the doll for you. Learn about it and if you think it’s going to make a great new addition to your collection, get out the cash.
Don’t be too cheap!
While it’s absolutely true that you should always try to get more for your money, that isn’t always in reference to quantity. If you want to love your collection, it should be based on quality. Just because you bought 10 dolls for 250 dollars does not mean you got a good deal. You could have purchased one amazing doll for the 250 dollars, and been much happier for it! More isn’t always better in this case!
No matter what kind of tips you follow, you must always remember to have fun! This isn’t another job, this is a hobby and you deserve to love it. Doll collecting is fun and can get exciting, but don’t take it too seriously. Dolls, while some are more valuable than others, are all made with the same intention – to put smiles on the faces of their owners! Make yourself no exception. Happy collecting!