Reasons to Start a Doll Collection

Doll Collections Starting a doll collection can turn into a lifelong passionate pursuit that brings much joy along the way. One of the major pleasures of collecting dolls is finding ones that you simply can’t stop looking at because, for whatever reason, they just “connect” with you and you feel you must have them. And they can be so exquisitely beautiful, too.

Doll collecting is done for a number of reasons. For some people, they love the history of dolls and they enjoy finding and collecting antiques. Dolls don’t take up too much space, so they can all fit on a couple of shelves in a room– and they’re unique and pretty at the same time, therefore enhancing the space where they’re lovingly displayed.

Of course, dolls are fun because they show off fashion! Those who love clothing, style, and design often love dolls because they’re made to reflect the fashion and culture of different places and eras. Some doll collectors even go so far as to sew outfits for their dolls and come up with elaborate costumes and accessories to further customize each doll in their collection. Therefore, they make each doll more personal and meaningful to them.

If you were younger and played with dolls, the older you get the more likely you are to remember the good times you had with certain dolls. And now, with more money in your pocket, you’re able to afford to truly have your own ever-growing doll collection. That might mean finding old dolls from your childhood for sale on and having your favorites shipped to your home, for instance. Nostalgia is a big factor when it comes to collecting dolls.

Doll collections can fill an emotional void or soothe a psychological need. For example, a lady who cannot have kids of her own may turn to doll collecting as a way to “have her own kids” who just happen to be dolls.

Dolls can also be used to celebrate holidays like Christmas, as they are proudly displayed near or under Christmas trees. Indeed, doll collections are often used to decorate rooms in homes year round.

Gigi’s Dolls of Chicago offers a nice variety of dolls for collectors, including vintage Barbies, Kewpie dolls, porcelain dolls, and even French/German Bisque dolls. Browse the website to see a variety of dolls and doll accessories currently available.